Sunday 20 February 2011

Kick-starting this Blog again!

I've decided to give this blog more attention - which won't be difficult since I added nothing at all last year! But I'm going to make an effort to add something each weekend, either an update on my writing, some other writing related topic, or maybe a guest blogger from time to time.
Think I need to start with an update!
'His Leading Lady' was accepted by Whiskey Creek Press last May, and is scheduled for release in June, 2011. So far, I've not heard anything about the cover or about any edits, but I've been told that will happen about 3 months before release date. I understand that once the ball starts rolling, it rolls pretty fast!
My second novel, 'Fragrance of Violets' is the one I wasn't happy with in December 2009.  I started a re-write, and it was accepted by Whiskey Creek about three weeks ago.  Release date will probably be early 2012.
I continue to struggle with 'Measure of Love' which, as expected, was rejected by Mills and Boon last year.  I'm still not happy with it and have put it to one side for the moment.
Meantime, during my visit to Egypt in October, I was inspired to start 'A Nile Romance' which is my current 'work in progress'.  Of course, I didn't anticipate a revolution in Egypt!  I'm now hoping things will settle down there again so that tourism will continue, as my story is about a cruise ship tour guide and an archaeologist who works in the Valley of the Kings.
Our 'Heroines with Hearts' blog goes from strength to strength.  We've had a change in membership and there are now five of us. We decide on a different writing topic each week and each of us contributes something each day.  We also have guest bloggers each week as our 'Friday Friends'.  Visit us at


  1. So happy you have started your blog again, Paula.
    Welcome to the Whiskey Creek stable too.I am sure your books will do really well.

  2. Hi,

    shall look forward to getting "His Leading Lady" for my Kindle! I've just picked up one of Margaret's, and already read Debra's "This Can't be Love".

    A great way to crank up the followers listing is to get involved in a few blogfests! They're really great fun, and some can really test ability to think up something of the cuff: so to speak.

    Have fun with revving the blog engine! ;)


  3. Thanks for visiting, Margaret and Francine! I like reading other writers' blogs so hope I can develop this into one as interesting as others I've seen.

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog and congratulations on the book acceptance. I hope the road to publication is smooth. I look forward to reading more from you!
