Sunday 24 June 2012

Six Sentence Sunday

Another six sentences from my new novel, 'Changing the Future' which was released last month.

Blurb: Lisa Marshall is stunned when celebrated volcanologist Paul Hamilton comes back into her life at the college where she now teaches. Despite their acrimonious break-up several years earlier, they soon realise the magnetic attraction between them is stronger than ever. However, the past is still part of the present, not least when Paul discovers Lisa has a young son. They can’t change that past, but will it take a volcanic eruption to help them change the future?

This is when Lisa and Paul have just met again. Fiona (another colleague) asks if they already know each other, and Paul says they'd 'met' a few years ago, before he went to South America.

She stiffened at the reminder of everything that had gone wrong between them.

“So you’ll be able to reminisce about old times,” Fiona said.

“Oh, I doubt Lisa will want to do that. Will you, Lisa?”

Lisa heard the razor’s edge in his voice and copied it. “No, I really don’t think there would be any point, would there?”

'Changing the Future' is available at $3.99 on Amazon

Many thanks to everyone who visits my blog each Sunday and leaves such great comments for me :-)


  1. Awesome six! Full of tension, and tension is what makes a great romance.

  2. I'm loving the fact that the reader knows there's going to be fireworks in the not two distant future between these two characters. Great six, Paula.

  3. Ooo, love the term "razor's edge." Very nice six! :)

  4. Well, both of them have their backs up! If I were the friend, I'd definitely be clearing my throat and changing the subject about now, LOL! As the others have said: Great tension here--and great six!!

  5. Thank you, everyone! So glad you are 'feeling' the tension between Lisa and Paul - and yes, a few (slight understatement!) fireworks will follow.

  6. Oh, well done! I wouldn't be able to cut the tension if I had a chain saw. Power 6!!

  7. Love to know what happened between them earlier--they obviously have a past.

  8. Brrrr! I need a winter coat, Paula. Way to ratchet up the tension with just dialogue. Well done!

  9. Love your comment about a chain saw, S.J.

    Sue Ann - their past is gradually revealed, from both PoVs (which don't necessarily agree!)

    Thanks, Silver - yes, the air is definitely cool!

  10. Very nice. Excellent dialog!

  11. Oh awkward but very true to life. You've described it so well and caught the mood perfectly. Great six!

  12. Many thanks, Ann and Veronica ;-)

  13. Ouch! They both sling arrows very well. Great six, Paula. :)

  14. Nicely tense moment. Interesting neither of them are attempting politeness in front of Fiona.

  15. I love how she answers his question with a question, not giving him any ground. Great six!

  16. I love how she answers his question with a question, not giving him any ground. Great six!

  17. I love how she answers his question with a question, not giving him any ground. Great six!

  18. When it's over, it's over. Or is it?
    Enticing six, Paula!

  19. I love a girl who can give as good as she gets! This exchange really sizzles. Great six!

    ~Joyce Scarbrough

  20. Nicely done. If I were in the story I'd run from that room as fast as I could. Tension galore!

  21. Ah, so much tension. That's great because it will make things more interesting when and if they start making their ways back to each other. Thanks for visiting my SSS! :)

    Sarah @ The Writer's Experiment

  22. Definitely a lot of frostiness there -- can't wait to see it melted. :)

  23. Nice...the sparks haven't flown yet, but they are just under the surface! Great six, Paula :-)

  24. Thank you all. They're being icily and cuttingly civil at the moment, but you're all right - that won't last!

  25. How dare he come into *her* place of work with an attitude? Watch it, bud. Then, again that kind of chemistry often leads to another kind...great dialogue, Paula.

  26. Thanks J.M. - he's still recovering from the shock of seeing her again!
